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ERROR: Cannot find ':' in target string chr1


I am at the stage of mean-centering the target after filtering samples and targets. I got this error ERROR: Cannot find ':' in target string chr1 from the following code

/medpop/mpg-psrl/Parabase/Tools/xhmm/xhmm --matrix -r ./DATA.RD.txt --centerData --centerType target \
-o ./DATA.filtered_centered.RD.txt \
--outputExcludedTargets ./DATA.filtered_centered.RD.txt.filtered_targets.txt \
--outputExcludedSamples ./DATA.filtered_centered.RD.txt.filtered_samples.txt \
--excludeTargets ./extreme_gc_targets_mybed2merged.txt --excludeTargets ./low_complexity_targets.mybed2merged.txt \
--minTargetSize 10 --maxTargetSize 10000 \
--minMeanTargetRD 10 --maxMeanTargetRD 500 \
--minMeanSampleRD 25 --maxMeanSampleRD 200 \
--maxSdSampleRD 150

I don't know exactly xhmm is complaining from which target; therefore, I checked both extreme_gc_targets and also low_complexity. I noticed my low_complexity surprisingly is just a column of "chr..." string without any corresponding target value; and apparently no line has satisfied this condition from the previous step

cat ./DATA.locus_complexity.mybed2merged.txt | awk '{if ($2 > 0.25) print $1}' \
> ./low_complexity_targets.mybed2merged.txt

I appreciate any comment

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